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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Lectura 2 - 2 Septiembre 2014

Making Great Cheeses, Part 2
During affinage, microorganisms gradually ripen cheese to its fully mature state—a process that can take weeks or years

Paul S. Kindstedt

The fırst day of cheese making establishes its chemical composition. During affınage, or fınishing, the unaged cheese is transformed or “ripened” to its fully mature state. Finishing depends on the cheese maker, or affıneur, subjecting the cheese to specifıc environmental conditions and physical manipulations over weeks, months, or even years depending on variety. However, no cheese can mature to greatness unless it begins with the right chemical composition. Here we explore the microbiological, chemical, and environmental conditions during cheese ripening, with well-known cheese varieties as examples.

Lectura 1 - 2 Septiembre 2014

The Making of Great Cheeses
The first steps in making great cheeses involve building the right physical and chemical environment to support microbial ripening

Paul S. Kindstedt

Cheese making transforms milk into either fresh or ripened cheese, with the aging process ranging from weeks to years. The fırst days establish the chemical characteristics of the cheese before it begins to age, setting the stage for microbial ripening. Of the plethora of organisms in new cheese, some remain viable and may proliferate during aging, others will be suppressed, while still others may be suppressed initially and then favored or vice versa, depending on the chemical environment to which they are subject.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Lectura 2 - 26 Agosto 2014

Cycling Single-Carbon Compounds: from Omics to Novel Concepts
Formerly obscure microbial species emerge as major players in environmental cycling of carbon and nitrogen

Ludmila Chistoserdova, Marina G. Kalyuzhnaya, and Mary E. Lidstrom

We study the bacteria that oxidize methane and potentially other single-carbon compounds in Lake Washington in Seattle. These organisms typically are found in the top layers of the sediment, where they capture the methane that forms following methanogenic degradation of organic matter in the anoxic layers of the sediment, or where they consume other similar single-carbon compounds.

Lectura 1 - 26 Agosto 2014

Bacterial Vesicles in the Ocean

David Scanlan

Biological production of extracellular vesicles is widespread, with vesicles produced by species across all three branches of the tree of life ( 7). In Gram-negative bacteria, vesicles are produced when small regions of the outer membrane bulge away from the cell before pinching off and being released. Biller et al. carefully purifi ed 70 to 100 nmsized membrane-bound extracellular vesicles from exponentially growing Prochlorococcus cells.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Lectura 2 - 19 de Agosto 2014

Life: is it inevitable or just a fluke?
Nick Lake

 Life arose only once on Earth, and if a sample of one were all we had to go on, no grand conclusions could be drawn. But there is more than that. Look at a vital ingredient for life - energy - suggests that simple life is common throughout the universe, but it does nos inevitably evolve into more complex forms such as animals. I might be wrong, but if I'm right, the immense delay between life first appearing on Earth ad the emergence of complex life points to another, very different explanation for why we have yet to discover aliens...

Mundane or marvel? (Image: Aires
photography/Getty Images)

Lectura 1 - 19 de Agosto 2014

New Look at Ancient Mineral Could Scrap a Test for Early Oxygen

Richard A. Kerr

Geologists trying to sniff out signs of oxygen in Earth’s early air have long struggled with a major obstacle: eons-old rocks that provide only a ragged, fragmentary record of the gas. Even so, some have for decades taken the presence of the mineral hematite in a so-called banded iron formation (BIF) in northwestern Australia as a sign that 2.5 billion years ago, Earth’s atmosphere had at least a trace of oxygen. The ruddy mineral was thought to record the moment when photo synthesis fi rst pushed oxygen to levels high enough to fully oxidize iron... 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Cómo agregar su ensayo

Parece que ha habido algunas dudas en cuanto a la forma de poner su ensayo. Intentaré explicar de manera breve la manera en que deben hacerlo.

Al final de cada una de las entradas verán algo parecido a esto:

Aquí deben dar en la parte de No comments...

Esto los llevará a una nueva ventana en donde al final podrán observar lo siguiente:

En este recuadro es donde deben poner su ensayo. En la opción de "Comment as:" pueden utilizar cualquiera de las opciones de identificación que les proporciona, sólo no utilicen la opción anonima.

Finalmente envían su ensayo con la opción de "Publish" y se les indicará que no será publicado hasta que lo acepte, lo cual se hará cada martes en que corresponda el artículo.

Espero esto ayude a despejar algunas dudas.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Lectura Martes 12 de Agosto 2014

Bacterias en Cuatro Ciénegas ¿Qué mensaje encierran?
Gabriela Olmedo, Valeria Souza y Luis E. Eguiarte

En 1999, Valeria y Luis fueron invitados a trabajar en Cuatrociénegas, Coahuila —lugar extraordinario, con cientos de pozas de agua en medio del desierto—, por investigadores de la Universidad Estatal de Arizona, con un proyecto de Astrobiología, financiado por la NASA , dirigido por el Dr. W. Minckley, uno de los más importantes estudiosos de los peces de Norteamérica, y el Dr. Jim Elser, experto en ciclos de nutrientes (particularmente fósforo, elemento central en esta historia) en los cuerpos de agua...